pembuka cerita ini ... aku rasa cam lawak pun ada gak..

semalam sblm gi spital, aku dok lepak kat rumbia singgah makan sambil tunggu B amik. pastu budak2 masterskill turun dari bas.. tetiba ada satu group budak lelaki pakaian putih nie menuju ke arah aku ngan kertas2 ditangan macam nk interview org.. & terdengar dia kata.. " hah, tu ACL.." sambil tersenyum ke arah aku.. dalam hati aku, "isk power betul budak masterskill ni, pandang jer dh tau aku wat ACL" & aku pun senyum jer la balik kat budak2 tu.. & terus sambung makan.. tapi tergerak gak aku nk toleh kebelakang tgk budak2 tadi pegi mana.. dan.. rupa2nya.. dia bukan maksudkan ACL kaki aku.. tapi ACL +++ ... no plate bas dorang... hahaha... aku ketawa sendiri....


ramai yang tanya ACL tu apa.. nak tau.. meh aku share sikit.. aku pun lepas dpt injury ni baru tau jugak.. aku copy sikit2 dari wiki...

# The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the four major ligaments of the human knee. In the quadruped stifle (analogous to the knee), based on its anatomical position, it is referred to as the cranial cruciate ligament.

# Anterior cruciate ligament injury is the most common knee ligament injury especially in athletes.

#The ACL is the most commonly injured knee ligament [2] and is commonly damaged by athletes. The ACL is often torn during sudden dislocation, torsion, or hyperextension of the knee. Commonly patients report hearing or feeling a "pop".

#Reconstructive surgery may also be recommended if there is damage to the meniscus (cartilage). This surgery is completed using arthroscopic techniques. There is also an option for an autograft to be done using a chosen tendon

#ACL injuries are especially common in female athletes, due to many possible contributing factors. The most prevalent explanation relates to female athletes tending to land more straight-legged than men, removing the quadriceps' muscles shock-absorbing action on the knee. Often the knee on a straight leg can't withstand this and bends sideways.

#Statistics show that females are now more than 8 times as likely to tear their ACL than male athletes

#Physical therapy must be completed in three phases after the surgery is completed. With the use of the surgical treatment option, rehabilitation included, a patient can expect to be returning to previous and desired levels of activity in six to nine months

tu jer la wat setakat nie.. dapat bayangan dah kan.. so kalau nk tau lebih lanjut.. nnt search la sniri ek.. taip jer ACL.. nnt kuar la macam2.. & utk para2 atlet wanita tu.. jaga2 la ek.. % female ni lagi tinggi dari lelaki tau.. aku dh kena & percayalah.. ia sangat menyeksakan.. so, utk korang2 yang masih bergiat aktif.. hati2 semasa bersukan.. :D


ephol said…
enam sehingga sembilan bulan tuhhhhh....
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